
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Produk Terbaik Pembersih Udara Dalam Rumah!

Bersihkan udara dalam rumah dengan Beyond Microplasma!

Anda tahu tak boleh lari dari pencemaran udara di luar rumah kan? Bagaimana pula kualiti udara di dalam rumah? Sebenarnya sama-sama tercemar dan dikatakan 10% lebih padat dengan bahan pencemar yang terperangkap! Kalau nak tahu mari perkenalkan adanya produk terbaik untuk Pembersih Udara Dalam Rumah! Banyak produk penapis udara (air-purifier) hanya menapis udara, jadi produk ini ditambah satu lagi fungsi untuk menghilangkan bau. Wah bagus kan kalau bau asap rokok dapat dikurangkan?? Cuba senaraikan apa lagi agaknya bahan pencemar udara dalam rumah anda?? Dan bagaimana ia sentiasa melepasi masuk ke rongga badan anak-anak, ibu mengandung dan anda sendiri? Berapa kerap anda demam, batuk, sakit kerongkong walaupun jarang keluar rumah. Tentu pernah terfikir kan?

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Beyond Microplasma Air Purifier..

Fakta : Udara Kita!! - The Air We Breathe!
"Every year, indoor air pollution is responsible for the death of 1.6 million people - that's one death every 20 seconds."
Indoor Air Pollution and Health - World Health Organization (WHO)

Air is essential to human's existence. Air is vital to our survival. Nevertheless, living in today's fast-moving, modern world, how do we ensure that the air we breathe is safe and clean? Billions of people around the world today are exposed to various types of air pollution that exists in both outdoor and indoor environments. 

When we talk about pollution, we often think of smog, chemicals produced by factories or exhaust from cars. These are problems that usually affect the air outdoors. But most of us spend much of our lives inside buildings. We go to school or work indoors. We eat our meals, do our homework, play and sleep indoors. All of that time, we breathe air that is in the room. What many may not realise, however, is the fact that indoor air pollution poses a far greater risk to our health and well-being than outdoor air pollution!

Tentang Produk Ini

Discover the way You Can Protect Your Family From Harmful Airborne Pollutants In Your Home

BEYOND MICROPLASMA AIR PURIFIER is a breakthrough in air purification systems. While other air purification systems may focus on filtering the air, we go one step further to ensure that you and your loved ones are protected from potentially dangerous airborne pollutants that are present in every enclosed environment. It is able to eliminate tobacco smoke, pollen, moulds, bacteria, odours, chemicals and various other pollutants down to an astounding 0.3 microns in size.

BEYOND MICROPLASMA AIR PURIFIER uses a combination of a highly specialised multi-stage active filtration system and Beyond Microplasma Ion Technology, an advanced micro-computer controlled Microplasma Ion Generator that generates a stream of Microplasma ion for the highest level of air cleaning, sterilising and treatment technology available today!

1. The BEYOND MICROPLASMA Ions Technology


3. The Multi-Stage Air Filtration System


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